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North Texas Soccer scores with The Remedy


The Remedy has partnered with North Texas Soccer to deliver website, e-marketing, and social media, and creative services to the organization. North Texas Soccer is a the governing body of amateur soccer in the North Texas region and was formed to promote, foster, and advance the cause of soccer for youth and adults within its territory. There are more than 195,000 players currently registered with North Texas Soccer, which is comprised of more than 123 Member Associations that maintain a large volunteer base of coaches and program administrators.

The Remedy joined the North Texas Soccer team to assist in numerous branding roles. The Remedy maintains the organization’s expansive website and online tournament and coaching clinic database. The Remedy also maintains the organization’s social media platforms. Additionally, The Remedy oversees the compilation and publishing of North Texas Soccer’s monthly electronic newsletter, The Pitch, which reaches more than 90,000 soccer enthusiasts in North Texas every month. Finally, The Remedy provides custom creative services to North Texas Soccer, designing marketing collateral, event collateral, and print and digital ads for various publications and online mediums.

“North Texas Soccer is a meaningful organization within the North Texas sports landscape, and we are very excited to be able to partner with it as it continues to further its role as an ambassador and an overseer of soccer in this community,” said Stephen Evans, President of The Remedy. “Despite its already large presence, we believe we can assist the organization with furthering its mission and increasing its presence within the soccer community through several branding initiatives which we will work with the organization to achieve.”

North Texas Soccer is a member of U.S. Youth Soccer, U.S. Soccer, United States Adult Soccer Association, CONCACAF, and FIFA.

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